Client opposed to spending extra time and risk with the complex upgrades, turned towards services to eliminating upgrade issues such as product installation and upgrades in web farm environment, database, web services setup.
Technical Upgrade Considerations
There are several areas to consider as you examine your upgrade options, including application functionality, technological enhancements, operational considerations, and ongoing adoption.
Functional Capabilities – Organizations should begin with a critical assessment of the new capabilities and enhancements against existing features to assess the value to be gained through investment of time and resources.
Technological Enhancements – Technical infrastructure requirements are legitimate points of consideration as you evolve your application upgrade strategy including client architecture, application server, web services, customizations, database options, and various hosting options.
User Support – Effective analysis and planning that involves your organization’s subject matter experts and key users can expedite user adoption as the system is upgraded and deployed. Customer involvement is essential as the team explores, documents, reviews, and approves key upgrade considerations.
- Upgrade LMS & Talent
- Upgrade AR & Migrate RM Reports to AR
- Upgrade Web Services
Pre-Upgrade Assessment
Impact Analysis – Know exactly what will be impacted before start. Documents the overall upgrade project functional impact.
Upgrade Road map – Develops a high-level upgrade strategy to include developing project vision, project management approach, instance strategy, and testing strategy.
Upgrade Estimate – Provides overall time and cost estimates for the upgrade project.