Looking for a quick, easy way to understand or explain TDRp and its benefits? Have a look at our infographicNov 03, 2017 Reporting 6 Ways a Sales Learning Dashboard Can Drive Sales SuccessJanuary 31, 2020You’ve hired the best sales team and created a top-notch training experience. Now it’s time to use the information and analytics you already have to…Read More LMS Reporting Challenges and SolutionsJune 24, 2019Organizations should address xAPI needs during their initial set up, in order to make use of all of the benefits the protocol can bring to a…Read More Customized SumTotal User Interfaces for Healthcare Universities – How to engage your learnersOctober 1, 2018In this post, we use the healthcare learning industry as a specific example but bear in mind that a lot of these suggestions can be applied across…Read More PrevNext